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On a warm January day, students from every grade level across Lenoir County Public Schools gathered together at the Kinston High School performing arts center to showcase their science fair projects. These students won the science fair at their individual school, and this was a chance to highlight their success and demonstrate ingenuity among LCPS students.

"Lenoir County Public Schools, we firmly believe that any opportunity we have to showcase our students and their learning is an opportunity that we want to take advantage of," said the director of middle school education, Christel Carlyle. "Part of what makes this event, the celebration of science fair, exciting, is that students have worked so hard to participate and to inquire about different scientific elements and concepts."

Students studied a wide range of topics, from which fruit contains the most citric acid and how to prevent flooding, to the best moisturizer products and electromagnetism.

"My question was, how does the amount of copper affect the magnetic pull of an electromagnet? The more electricity that flows through a conductor, it combines with ions and it turns into an electromagnet," 5th grade student, Dylan Jones, explained in his presentation.

During the day, students got to work with facilitators from the district to improve their science projects and presentations. Once the sun set, families gathered to celebrate their students' work.

"We have student scientists who are working with scientific exploration every single day, and we firmly believe that they are our future," Carlyle said. "They will solve the world's problems, and all of those skills and all of all of that, experimentation that they're doing. As a student is what's going to make the world a better place tomorrow for future generations. So it's very important what they're doing."

Watch the video here: